
Showing posts from June, 2019

15 - Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No.2

Interview Summary For two of the interviewees, they picked up plants on a whim at local stores while going to purchase other things. They were low priced and appeared to be low maintenance. One of them purchased them as decoration while the other picked up a plant specifically for their cat (catnip). They both came in containers that were not particularly beautiful but they planned to buy a nicer container at a later date. One of them picked it up on a whim at a store once more while the other purchased it online. The third interviewee specifically went to a plant nursery and picked out specific herb plants for their house, picking up their container there as well. The person who bought the plant as decoration ended up really liking it and bought more later on, by returning to the same store. They started purchasing the containers online so that they could pick out the best combinations for their apartment. They do have some trouble with taking care of them when they go home. The

14 - Halfway Reflection

1) The most important behaviors are organization and environment. Being able to keep track of what is due is extremely important in a course where this is not placed in front of you constantly. Not only that, some assignments are much longer than others. Give yourself a chance at the beginning of the week to read through what each one requires. Additionally, being able to create a productive environment helped me work through the assignments much quicker and more effectively than if I had just done them last minute. Whether this be a quiet place in the library or playing music at home, fostering a place where you feel productive helps you feel motivated to keep working. 2) Motivation can come from many different forms. The one that spoke to me for this course was motivation of something gained. Working on a project that could produce something as well as pushing through for the grade made for very strong motivators. 3) Tip 1: Be aware of deadlines and assignments well before their

13 - Reading Reflection No.1

Shoe Dog by Phillip Knight 1) I was pretty surprised at how blase he was about borrowing money and making claims. Perhaps it wasn't explained properly in the biography but it seemed pretty foolish, something that wouldn't have taken off if not for the sheer volume of resources and connections that he had. While the hard work and effort he put in after these was commendable, I don't think he could have made it without the support system he had. There was certainly a level of faith in himself and his vision that is to be admired. He aimed for what he wanted and went for it wholeheartedly - the hours and effort seem incredible. I absolutely hated his attitude towards the people around him. He used almost every single person that he came across, all in pursuit of this goal. A goal, I might add, that may have been financially successful but far from world changing. It was frustrating to read about, as his regretful tone often didn't lead to a better result the next time

12 - Figuring Out buyer Behavior No.1

1) Behavioral segmentation Interview Summary: For all three of the people I talked to, their needs seem to arise either when they are cooking or when they are planning to leave for a couple of days or weeks. The contexts are clearly in the home environment, with emphasis on times like summer or vacations where they are less inclined to be home or travel back and forth more often than usual. In regards to the cooking situation, they often look online for the different prices of herbs to find the best deal for them. In this situation they don't have the plants to begin with. So they focus on grocery stores and supermarkets where this would be available. In regards to the unattended plants situation, they do a quick Google search to see how long the plants could survive without supervision. In addition, they may choose to leave the care of the plants to a local friend that could do some basic maintenance. However, they have lost plants this way before. With a focus on behaviora

11 - Idea Napkin No.1

1) You: I'm a sophomore, majoring in Psychology with an interest in Linguistics and Sociology. I come from a Hispanic background, which means that cooking is pretty important to me and I've grown up doing so. I've developed, led, and participated in three different mentoring programs. I have experience in writing, music, game design, and debate. I have created a budget plan before and broke even on a business venture. Primarily, I would like to develop this design for my personal use, with the added benefit of profiting. 2) What: A planter that is attachable to sills or balconies, with a sleek, durable, simple design that requires little maintenance. 3) Who:  Younger, busy individuals with smaller living arrangements with little to high interest in plants. 4) Why: They save money on store bought herbs and on having to repurchase plants that keep dying. Reduced upkeep time and mess. Compatible with pet households. 5) Competencies: I have some experience in developing

10 - Elevator Pitch No.1

9 - Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

Inside the Boundary Outside the Boundary Who ·         Amateur cooks ·         Personal chefs ·         Residents/homeowners ·         Office workers ·         Pet owners ·         Backyard owners ·         People without access to kitchens ·         People who don’t enjoy cooking ·         People with large living arrangements What ·         Fresh, cheaper herbs ·         Space-efficient ·         Easier maintenance ·         Requires attention and care ·         Unnecessary to some Why ·         Access to herbs ·         Connection to nature ·         Aesthetic ·         Herbs available in stores ·         Parks or backyards ·         Other decoration with less attention Three of my interviews consisted with students who enjoy cooking on campus. The first did not require this produc

8 - Solving the Problem

My selected opportunity is to resolve the difficulties with growing indoor plants in small living arrangements. As I determined in the previous exercise, it is better to focus on a target type of plant/use. Because herbs are expensive to buy fresh and there are plenty of people who enjoy cooking, I would like to focus on creating an easy to take care of and space efficient way to have an indoor herb garden. The solution is to prototype a planter box that can be fit onto a windowsill. It needs to be adjustable and sturdy enough to adapt to any window and withstand the weight of the plants. Other aspects that need to be taken into account is keeping the dirt and water within the planter, taking into account pets, and keeping the design small so that furniture can still be placed around the window comfortable. Additionally, research into the best herbs to grow indoors and how to limit their growth size should also be done to fully develop this idea.