30 - Final Reflection

I think the most formative experiences were from the readings that we had in class. Some of them were really interesting and were able to provide new insight on things I hadn't thought of before. It was interesting coming up with the bug list at the very beginning and trying to come up with ideas for ventures based off of it. I'm glad I was able to make it through this class without giving up on my initial idea, despite it's many pitfalls. 

I think an entrepreneurial mindset is a combination of many things, not a single concept. I suppose I have some of those things and I'm sure I lack others. I don't know if this course has helped any of those increase or decrease. 

I would recommend students to try to think of their venture as a real concept, even if they do not go through to actually creating any of it. It makes it easier to complete the assignments if you entertain the idea that this could actually happen. Most people though do not have the capital or means to start their ventures but it is easier to do if you do pretend it's possible. 
